Getting started

Table of contents
  1. Prerequisites
  2. A note on security
  3. Folder structure
  4. Setting up


The following guide assumes that the user/maintainer has a basic understanding of AWS (particularly S3 buckets), Python and some basic HTML. However, do not worry in case you have never used them before, we will guide you through and illustrate below where and how each component comes into play.

To download papertool on your local machine, run:

git clone

Alternatively, you could also fork the repository to your personal github account and work from there.

Before starting with PaperTool, you will need valid three-letter RePEc Archive code (aaa) and a six-letter Series code (ssssss) associated with your working paper series. Please check out the RePEc step-by-step for the same.

You should also have created a cover.png file to serve as your working paper series cover page template. PaperTool will automatically add the working paper meta-data to this template, using the middle portion of the page. It is essential that the template is of the same dimensions as the one provided in the s3_buckets/working_papers_bucket/template/cover.png file (i.e. 2487 x 3516 px). Review the existing cover.png file to understand the layout. The section in the middle is where the working paper meta-data will be added. When you are happy with your cover page template, replace the existing aws_resources/s3_buckets/working_papers_bucket/cover.png file with your own.

A note on security

By default PaperTool runs from public buckets on your S3. RePEc requires your archive bucket to have public read access (s3:GetObject) since this bucket is allowing RePEc to index your papers, and to point the world to your working paper files for download. However, in the initial installation, the archive bucket also allows write access publicly (s3:PutObject), since we need to allow the PaperTool functions to write new index files and pdfs to this folder. However, this also allows anyone on the internet to write to this bucket. By default, permissions for the site bucket are the same, read/write access is public. As such, we strongly recommend you edit the bucket policy for each bucket to reduce this risk surface.

Now, there are a variety of ways that you may want to limit access on your PaperTool buckets, and so we leave this to your own AWS security policies and risk appetite. One example approach is to allow public read access for both buckets (since RePEc needs it for the archive, and your users will need to access the upload site), but restrict write access to the archive only to an AWS role associated with the Lambda function. You can also ensure that not just anyone can use the PaperTool upload site by adding IP address restrictions to the API Gateway. In this scenario your users will need to be on a specific network to successfully use PaperTool, but this could include a university VPN so that they can still upload from home. For more information please refer to the AWS documentation.

Folder structure

Once you have papertool on your machine, you will see the following main folders/files:

├── aws_resources
|   ├── cloudformation_templates
|   |   ├── CreateLambdaAPI.yaml
|   |   └── CreateS3Buckets.yaml
|   └── s3_buckets
|       ├── code_bucket
|       ├── site_bucket
|       └── working_papers_bucket

Setting up

  1. Log in or create your AWS account
  2. Once you have access to the AWS Console, launch the CloudFormation service. Then:
    • Step 1: Create stack
      • Click on the Create Stack
        • Choose With new resources (standard) if you are using the CloudFormation > Stacks menu
      • Under Prerequisite - Prepare template select Choose an existing template
      • Under Specify template select Upload a template file and upload CreateS3Buckets.yaml file.
      • Click Next
    • Step 2: Specify stack details
      • Under Provide a stack name enter the name of the stack (any name of your choosing) (e.g. PaperTool)
      • Under Parameters please enter your working paper series details (such as RePEc codes for the series and archive). Important: Please assign the name of this bucket as per your lab/department name. E.g. If you set the bucket name as econdept, it will create a site under (for the ap-southeast-2 region, your region may differ).
      • Click Next
    • Step 3: Configure stack options
      • Add Tags, and Permissions if required
      • Under Stack failure options select Delete all newly created resources (second section). This is to ensure that in case of any error, the resources are deleted automatically.
      • Click Next
    • Step 4: Review and create
      • Review and finally click on Submit
      • Your Stacks list will show the newly created stack as CREATE_IN_PROGRESS. Wait until the Status shows CREATE_COMPLETE
  3. Navigate to S3 and into your CodeBucket (Note: You can also directly access the created buckets from Resources under the Stack. The name of the bucket will be the one you entered earlier along with the suffix "-code")

  4. Once you are inside the S3 CodeBucket, upload (or drag-and-drop) the contents from s3_buckets/code_bucket/. The files are:
  5. Now once again under CloudFormation, create a new stack by repeating all the process from above and uploading CreateLambdaAPI.yaml as the template this time.
    • Name the stack as you like, you might like to repeat the name from the previous stack, adding -lambda to the end
    • Note: on Step 3: Configure stack options, at the very bottom, make sure to click on “I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources” before hitting Create Stack
    • Once again, wait until the Status shows CREATE_COMPLETE on your Stacks list
  6. Editing site bucket:
    • Once again in CloudFormation, select the Lambda stack you just created (step 5), and navigate to the Outputs tab on the right hand side of the page. You may need to expand the size of your window to see this tab.
    • You will see a table with 2 rows, each with a Key and Value. Keep this window handy.
    • Now, in a text editor, open the file s3_buckets/site_bucket/assets/js/settings.js and enter in the information for your archive, and bucket names as indicated in the file.
    • Be sure to replace mydept-aaa-archive in the templateUrl config with your workingPapersBucket name (entered above).
    • For apiEndpoint and identityPoolId, copy the Value from the Outputs tab in CloudFormation and paste it into the respective fields in settings.js.
    • Save the file - Now, over in S3, upload the contents of your local s3_buckets/site_bucket/ to your aws S3 SiteBucket
  7. Editing working papers bucket:
    • Rename the aaa and ssssss folders to your ArchiveCode and SeriesCode respectively
    • Replace “aaa” in both aaaarch.rdf and aaaseri.rdf with your ArchiveCode
    • Fill the rdf files with appropriate working paper information. Important: The URL in aaaarch.rdf should be the RePEcArchiveURL as it links your archive to RePEc
    • Open RePEc/aaa/index.html and replace ssssss with your SeriesCode and the names of redif files
    • Replace s3_buckets/working_papers_bucket/template/cover.png with your own template. Important: The template should be identical in dimensions (2487 x 3516 px) and layout.
    • Finally copy the contents of s3_buckets/working_papers_bucket/ to your actual S3 WorkingPapersBucket
  8. And that’s it! You can now start uploading working papers on your site by accessing your PaperTool website. The URL will be made from your siteBucket name, and your region, like this: http://[siteBucket].s3-website-[region] For example, if your siteBucket is named econdept and you are in the ap-southeast-2 region, your URL will be

Incase you have any questions please refer to our FAQ page.